Monday, January 31, 2011

The Rape of the Lock Response

   To me, the Rape of the Lock is kind of incomprehensible. After finish reading two Cantos, I still don’t understand what’s really going on throughout the whole story. The only thing I know is that the Baron stole a lock of Belinda’s hair, and she was furious about it. Although there were sylphs trying to warn Belinda from being attacked by the scissors, it was unsuccessful. At last, the lock of hair rose to the sky and became the star, which symbolized for Belinda’s lasting fame. I think the reason I don’t understand the story might be the language being used, which is in between modern and old English. Thus, it’s difficult for me to find out the significance of this famous mock epic, the technique of juxtaposes that Pope used, and the flirtatious affair that Pope is trying to satirize. As for result, I don’t really know how to connect the satires used in this mock epic to the events that happened in the world we’re living now.

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